Teaching and Lecturing
Confidential Letters of Reference
Recommending Promotion to Associate Professor
Source: Promotion File
“I must admit I did not have any interest in politics nor in international relations. However, after having been in Professor Salton’s classes, I have become more aware and more concerned about global ethics and world crises. He truly has inspired us and imparted significant knowledge upon us.”
- Ms. C.D. Former Student from Bhutan, 2016
“None of the courses I took with Professor Salton was required for me, yet I chose to take them mostly because of his excellent teaching method and the encouragement he provides for his students in growing a personal interest in the subject. He never pushes his students to pick a side while discussing an international issue. He encourages being inquisitive yet constructive both in class discussions and in assignments. His devotion to education and mentoring makes him a valuable member of the university”.
- Ms F.M, Former Student from Bangladesh, 2016
“Professor Salton is extremely hard-working and organized, and I feel privileged to have attended his courses. I respect him immensely for his professionalism as well as for his knowledge of the subject matter, ranging in breadth from history and politics, to ethics and international law. His teaching style is original and effortlessly delivered. He is always well-prepared, resulting in classes that run smoothly. He encourages student participation and is flexible in the direction of class discussions, while also being able to relate those discussions back to the core of the lesson which is being discussed. I also found him exceptionally fair in his assessments”.
- Ms M.K., Former Student from Bangladesh, Class of 2015
“Although I always thought I was not a good writer, Professor Salton made me understand that I can do better in my writing. As a result of his effort, I started his classes by getting a ‘B’ grade and ended up with an ‘A’ grade. This was due to the interesting course materials and to his excellent command on delivering lectures…He treated each of us equally and made sure we all participated in his class. He valued whatever [we] had to say.”
- Ms B.Y., Former Student from Pakistan, Class of 2016
“Prof. Salton is not only incredibly accomplished; he is one of the most kind, organized, supportive, and invested professors I’ve known. As his [former] teaching assistant, I was able to witness how he interacted with students in and outside of class. Inside class he encouraged participation, facilitated nuanced discussions and debates, and challenged his students to look past the ideas and histories they grew up with as objective. Outside of class, he held some of the most well-attended office hours…From sitting in on his class and many discussions with students, I know he is not only an inspiration to them, but mentored and supported them in invaluable ways”.
- Ms E.E., Former Teaching Assistant from the United States of America, 2015
“Prof. Salton played a most important role in helping me find my true interest and capability in terms of studies. As a student, I always loved his teaching style and classes. As a young and new lecturer myself, I am always in search of better ways to teach my students. Therefore, I try to duplicate all the ways Professor Salton used to adopt when I was his student, as they proved very beneficials to students like me. Apart from being his student, I had the honor of working with him as his research assistant. I was impressed with his abilities and work ethic”.
- Ms D.P, Former Student and Research Assistant from Bhutan, 2015
Prof. Salton is an excellent teacher and it has been a great pleasure to working with him. His ability to explain difficult concepts in a broad variety of ways, to hold the attention of the class throughout a 90-minute session, to use both the board and slides effectively, and to engage a large class in discussion. He is particularly good at keeping the students thinking during the lecture and of inviting questions and comments. He responded generously and sensitively to questions, and always made extra sure that students understood the course materials clearly. Professor Salton is truly a standout professor because of his sheer dedication to his students…Without his assistance, I doubt I could take right decision for my career as well as post graduation.”
- Ms I.N., Former Student from Bangladesh, 2015
“Prof. Salton motivated us to think very deeply about global issues related to politics and diplomacy. He also emphasized our presentation skills…We learned how to analyze academic literature very critically. We participated in several Security Council Simulations where we represented us very professionally in a professional environment. We were not only learning doing research, but also how to present important information in concise way to our audience. We were guided to submit written academic documents after extensive research…I had several appointments with Prof. Salton because I faced challenges [with] research materials. Whenever we submitted written documents, presented oral presentation, and attended classes, we got immediate response from him. When I got my grades on those two courses, I observed Prof. Salton explained my grades properly. He took time and in detailed he explained where I could improve in future”.
- Ms S.A., Former Student from Bangladesh, 2015
Class Observation Reports
Confidential Reports of Class Visitations
Source: Annual Reports
I attended a lecture by Herman Salton in ETHR 1015 International Ethics…Dr. Salton crafted an exemplary class composed of both a 20-minute student-led presentation on a country (Syria) followed by an instructor-led discussion of the day’s reading. The class atmosphere was highly conducive to learning; the students were clearly engaged and most were active participants throughout the duration of the class…From the presentation I saw in class it appeared that, through his detailed instructions, Dr. Salton had managed this very successfully. The student was well prepared for her presentation and had questions ready to prompt discussion. The student presentation on the Syrian uprising and civil war set up a perfect example for Dr. Salton’s discussion of the ethics of foreign intervention justified by humanitarian reasons. Dr. Salton led a very animated session in which the students actually had to be silenced occasionally in order to move the class forward through the material. The topic of this class is so pertinent to many of our students given the foreign intervention in their countries. It is not surprising that they are very interested and I was impressed at how skillfully Dr. Salton kept them focused on a theoretical discussion of the topic and did not allow the class to be sidetracked into a session of personal anecdotes and storytelling…Overall, I thought this was an extremely successful class and a really excellent effort from a young faculty member new to teaching in AUW’s unique environment.
- Prof. J.G., Dean of Faculty, Class Observation Report, Asian University for Women, Bangladesh
I attended a Diplomacy and Statecraft class by Dr. Salton on 16 Nov 2014 at 4.30pm. Dr. Salton has more than 5 years teaching experience, so a classroom visitation was not required, but he was generous enough to invite me into his class as an indication to less experienced faculty that the process is not to be feared and is one that can provide useful feedback to participants…Dr. Salton arrived before the class start time, greeting the students and setting up required equipment with the TA. He began the class promptly, first recognizing that students are extremely busy at present and reminding them about upcoming assessment…Dr. Salton used his visual aids very effectively during the class, provide background information or terms on PowerPoint slides without text-overcrowding, and asked students to populate a visual representation on the importance of formal exchanges between countries themselves to encourage engagement with the content… Although I have no knowledge of diplomacy or international treaties, Dr. Salton’s mode of delivering information, clear explanations and use of regional examples allowed me to easily follow the class […]
- Prof. A.P., Associate Dean, Class Observation Report, Asian University for Women, Bangladesh
Further information, including the full versions of these documents, is available here (R).