
Research Testimonials

Research Testimonials

Dangerous Diplomacy is the result of superior scholarship. It is an outstanding book and this year’s undisputed prize winner … As many of us who have written professionally about this organization will agree, even though we believed that we understood the United Nations at a level of considerable sophistication, reading Salton, the reader will recognize how much more knowledge there is to take into account in order to understand the actual workings and political role of the United Nations”.

  • International Studies Association, Awarding the 2018 Chadwick Alger Prize for the Best Book on International Organization and Multilateralism, San Francisco, USA, 2018

“An extremely important and valuable work, Dangerous Diplomacy contributes substantially and impressively to understanding the pathologies of politics and power at the United Nations, specifically with regard to the organization’s actions before and during the Rwandan genocide…This book is a work of great ethical and intellectual depth, as well as of interpersonal and organizational insight, which is genuinely exceptional, original and of superlative quality…It is a major contribution to the UN literature”.

  • Dr. Noam Schimmel, University of Oxford, UK, and McGill University, Canada

“Outstanding research and writing…The best book on the United Nations published in the 2016-18 period…”.  Friends of ACUNS Biennial Book Award. Friends of ACUNS is directed by a Board of Officers (President: Jacques Fomerand; Vice-Presidents: Charlotte Ku and Jim Sutterlin; Treasurer: Jean Krasno; Members: Michael Doyle, Melissa Labonte, Richard Ponzio).

  • Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Awarding the 2016-18 ‘Friends of ACUNS Biennial Book Award’ for Best Book on the United Nations System

“In this deeply researched and beautifully written book, Herman Salton has provided new insights on both the international politics of the Rwanda genocide and UN bureaucracy and power structures. Making use of a variety of archives, and particularly the papers of the late Sir Marrack Goulding, Under-Secretary-General at the UN from 1986 to 1997, Salton has produced a sombre and reflective study….As the author has demonstrated so admirably in relation to Rwanda, the UN can certainly exacerbate the problems when it is dysfunctional.”

  • Prof. Michael Newman, London Metropolitan University, UK

“Far and away the most sophisticated treatment of the UN’s handling of a major political disaster that I know about. The material is wonderful, the analysis original, and the verve considerable”.

  • Prof. Richard Rathbone, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK

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