Seme Lomole Nelson
Rotary Peace Fellow
South Sudan
Seme Nelson Lomole is an MA Candidate in ICU’s Public Policy and Social Research Program, majoring in Peace Studies. His current research examines the socio-economic effects of Uganda’s ‘open-door’ refugee policies on both the refugees and the host population.
Seme graduated from the Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway (formerly Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus), Master Program
in Multicultural and International Education. He also obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Makerere University in Uganda. Also, he attended several humanitarian programming and project cycle management non-degree programs in different institutes and universities.
Seme has had a diverse career. For last seven years, he has worked with several International Non-governmental organizations including Finn Church Aid, President Marti Ahtisaari Center (CMI), Windle Trust International, EDC, and University of Juba on humanitarian programming, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, and Education (EiE, TVET, and PTSP). Recently, he has volunteered with World Vision Japan, the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS), and the Global Education Project-Japan, to help raise awareness among Japanese on refugees issues, using his early life experience as a refugee.
His work and studies have taken him to Switzerland, Norway, Finland, China, Sweden, Cambodia, the UK, South Africa, Tanzania, among other countries. Seme hopes to return to South Sudan upon completing his current MA program. He also intends to pursue further research in Forced Migration and International Development.