Scholarly Publications
Peer-Reviewed (Selection)
In Progress
- Salton, H. T (2028) UN Peacekeeping and Political Affairs: Two Microhistories of the UN Secretariat from the Age of American Hegemony (single-authored monograph under contract with Oxford University Press, with an expected delivery date of 2027 and a publication date in 2028) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2026) The United Nations Secretariat: A Political History (single-authored monograph under contract with Oxford University Press, with expected delivery in 2025 and publication in 2026) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2026) “The United Nations and the ‘Political Affairs’ Category: What Exactly Is (Not) ‘Political’ in the United Nations Secretariat?” (article, currently under review).
- Salton, H.T. (2025) “The Absolutely Indispensable Man: Ralph Bunche, the United Nations, and the Fight to End Empire”, International Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol.32, Issue 4 (review).
- Salton, H. T. (2025) “Assembly by Design: The United Nations and Its Global Interior”, International Affairs (Oxford University Press/Chatham House), Vol.101, Issue 4 (review).
- Salton, H. T. (2025) “The Intellectual Origins of the United Nations Secretariat: Technocracy, Functionalism, and the Separation between Politics and Administration”, Journal of International Organization Studies (article, under review).
- Salton, H. T. (2025) “UN Mediators in Syria: The Challenges and Responsibilities of Conflict Resolution”, International Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol.32, Issue 3 (review).
- Salton, H. T. (2025) “The Concertation Impulse in World Politics: Contestation over Fundamental Institutions and the Constrictions of Institutionalist International Relations”, International Affairs (Oxford University Press/Chatham House), Vol.101, No.2 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2024) The Artisan of Peace? The Role of the United Nations in International Relations (Paris: Harmattan) 262pp. (single-authored book) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “‘The Hand That Holds the Pen’: Boutros-Ghali, Peacekeeping, and American Influence over the United Nations Secretariat in the 1990s”, Int’l Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol.31(1), pp.87-113 (article) [link]
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “Peacebuilding, Peacekeeping, and the ‘Balance of Bureaucratic Power’ in Kofi Annan’s Secretariat: A Micro-History of Two United Nations Departments”, Peacebuilding (Routledge), pp.1-23 (article) [link]
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “Sustainable Peace in Northeast Asia”, Cambridge Review of Int’l Affairs (Routledge), 37 (5), pp.717–719 (review) [link]
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “Making International Institutions Work: The Politics of Performance”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol 100 (5), pp. 2247–2248 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “The Crisis of the UN and the Options for Reform: A Report to the French Parliament” ( [original title “La Crise de l’Organisation des Nations Unies et les Perspectives de Réforme” (Paris: Assemblée Nationale) (policy report) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “Advocacy and Change in International Organizations”, Int’l Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol.31 (4), pp. 1-3 (review) [link]
- Salton, H. T. (2024) “The United Nations: Policy and Practice”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 100 (2), pp. 847-849 (review) [link].
- Salton, H.T. (2023) “Peacebuilding in the United Nations: Coming into Life”; “A Requiem for Peacebuilding?”, Int’l Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol. 30, N. 2, pp.410-414 [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2023) The United Nations: A Critical Introduction (Turin/Milan: UTET Università) 250pp. (single-authored book) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2023) “The Twilight of Liberal Peacebuilding?”, Int’l Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol.31 (3), pp.410–414 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2023) “The Oxford Handbook of Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, and Peace Formation”, Int’l Peacekeeping (Routledge), Vol.30(4), pp. 545–548 (review) [link].
- Salton, H.T. (2023) “The Peacekeeping Failure in South Sudan: The UN, Bias and the Peacekeeper’s Mind”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 99 (4), pp. 1811–1812 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. and Foley, M. (2021) The Role of Leadership in International Relations: Sources, Typologies, and Disciplinary Perspectives (Milan: FrancoAngeli) 236pp. (co-authored book) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2021) “Rethinking Sino-Japanese Alienation: History Problems and Historical Opportunities”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 97 (5), pp. 1656–1658 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2021) “Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 97 (4), pp. 1254–125 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2020) “Power in Peacekeeping at the UN”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 96 (3), pp. 817–819 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2020) “African Dominion: A New History of Empire in Early and Medieval West Africa”; “African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic”; “Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange in Medieval Saharan Africa”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 96 (2), pp. 549–551 (triple review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2020) “Sovereignty and the New Executive Authority: Ethics, National Security, and the Rule of Law”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 96 (4), pp. 1094–1096 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2020) “The Final Act: The Helsinki Accords and the Transformation of the Cold War”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 96 (1), pp. 225–226 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2020), “Governance for Peace: How Inclusive, Participatory and Accountable Institutions Promote Peace and Prosperity”, Academic Council on the United Nations System (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2019) “The UN Secretary-General and the Security Council: A Dynamic Relationship”; “The Working World of International Organizations: Authority, Capacity, Legitimacy”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford University Press), Vol. 95 (3), pp. 717–718 (double review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2019) “Rwanda: From Genocide to Precarious Peace”, Int’l Affairs (Oxford UP), Vol. 95 (1), pp. 238–239 (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2019) “Practical Approaches to Peacebuilding”, Academic Council on the United Nations System, Vol. 10 (18) (review) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2017) Dangerous Diplomacy: Bureaucracy, Power Politics, and the Role of the UN Secretariat in Rwanda (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 320pp. (single-authored book) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2017) “Anti-Religious or Anti-Islam? The ‘Obscure Clarity’ of France’s ‘Anti-Veil’ Legislation”, Int’l Journal of Arab Culture, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-24 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2014) “The Muslim Veil in the United States and France: A Comparative Analysis of Law and Policy”, Int’l Journal of Public Policy, Vol.11, No.2, pp.332-354 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “L’Autorité Supra-Morale du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies”, in B. Chélini-Pont (ed) Annuaire Droit et Religions, Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, Vol.5, pp.663-686 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “’A Flag for All Republicans’: The Legislative History and Parliamentary Debates of the French Law on Religious Signs at School”, Canadian Journal of Human Rights, Vol.2, No.1, pp.118-157 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “Free To Wear Whatever They Want? The Muslim Veil and School Symbolism in the Law and Politics of the USA”, Int’l J. of Public Law and Policy, Vol.3, No.1., pp.227-62 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “A Very French Obsession: France, the Islamic Veil and the Struggle between Law and Politics”, Int’l J. of Human Rights and Const’l Studies, Vol.2, No.1., pp.162-93 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “A Stroke of Genius? Religion, the Founding Fathers and the Creation of the American Polity”, Public Administration Research, Vol.2, No.1, pp-67-75 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “Nation, Faith and War: The Birth of Freedom in France and the United States”, Journal of Politics and Law, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.24-35 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) “The Little Prince, Race and the Five Planets of Racism”, Journal of Politics and Law, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.145-62 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2012) “A Godless Constitution? Faith, Politics and Speech in the Bill of Rights in the United States of America”, Int’l Law Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.1-12 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2012) “France’s Other Enlightenment: Laïcité, Politics and the Role of Religion in French Law”, Journal of Politics and Law, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.30-41 (article) (link).
- Salton, H. T. (2012) “Unholy Union: History, Politics and the Relationship between Church and State in Modern France”, Review of European Studies, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp.135-47 (article) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2013) Arctic Host, Icy Visit. China and Falun Gong in Iceland (Brussels: Lambert), 260pp. (single-authored book) [link].
- Salton, H. T. (2010) “A Political Duty: An Analysis of the French Law on Religious Symbols at School through the Prism of its Parliamentary History”, in Ragnarsbók: Essays in Honour of Ragnar Adalsteinsson (Reykjavik, Iceland: Mál og Menning Publishing), pp.201-262 (chapter) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2008) “Une Relation Compliquée: Développement Historique et Status Juridique des Minorités Religieuses en Australie”, in B. Chélini-Pont (ed) Annuaire Droit et Religions, Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, Vol.3 (1), pp.1-24 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T (2008) Veiled Threats? Islam, Headscarves and Religious Freedom in America and France (Brussels: VDM), 284pp. (single-authored book) [link]
- Salton, H. T. (2007) “Iceland, Falun Gong and China: A Legal Assessment of the 2002 Events”, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Vol.25 (2), pp.158-182 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. and Griffiths, D. (2007) “Religion, Laïcité et Voile Islamique: La Nouvelle-Zélande Scrute la France (et S’Interroge)”, in B. Chélini-Pont (ed), Annuaire Droit et Religions, Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, Vol.2. (1), pp.355-388 (chapter) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2006) “Les Agences Gouvernementales dans le Monde Anglo-Saxonne: Une Révolution Britannique?”, Cahiers de la Fonction Publique et de l’Administration, No.259, pp.10-16 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2006) “Politique et Administration en Nouvelle-Zélande: Responsabilisation, Decentralisation, Privatisation”,Cahiers de la Fonction Publique et de l’Administration, Special Issue, pp.21-25 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2006) “Una Legge Senza Delitto? La Nuova Normativa Francese Sui Simboli Religiosi a Scuola, Tra Diritto, Politica e Laicità”, Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni, Vol.3, No.4, pp.1-14 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2005) “Independent People? Iceland, Falun Gong and the Official Visit of the Chinese President in June 2002”, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Vol.23, No.3, 245-60 (article) [PDF].
- Salton, H. T. (2002) “Terrifying Times, Icelandic Solutions: Iceland’s Policy against International Terrorism in the Aftermath of 9/11”, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, No.2, 58-66 (article) [link].