
Research Grants

Research Grants








Source: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT)

Project Title: The United Nations Secretariat: An Institutional History

Role: Principal Investigator

Funding Type: Public (Kaken C)

Grant Number: 24K04761

Amount: 4,550,000 JPY [approx. USD 40,000 at time of approval]

Status: Ongoing

Link: here








Source: International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan

Project Title: The United Nations and International Administration

Role: Principal Investigator

Funding Type: Private

Grant Name: Research Support Grant (RSG)

Amount: JPY 650,000 [approx. USD 4,500 at time of approval).

Status: Completed









Source: Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT),

Project Title: The Influence of the US and China on the United Nations Secretariat: A Proposal for Institutional Reform

Role: Principal Investigator

Funding Type: Public (Kaken C)

Grant Number: 20K01528

Amount: 4,030,000 JPY [approx. USD 35,000 at time of approval]

Status: Completed

Link: here







Source: European Union (EU)

Project Title: European Cyber Diplomacy Network

Role: Institutional Collaborator

Funding Type: Public

Amount: Shared Budget

Partner Universities: University of Leiden, Tallin University of Technology, University of Bologna, University of Waikato, Free University of Brussels, International Christian University, University of Warwick.

Status: Completed

Link: https://cyberdiplomacy.net/team/

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