

All Awards

  1. Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Biennial Book Prize for Best Book on the United Nations in the Period 2017-19 (2018);
  2. Chadwick Alger Prize by International Studies Association (ISA) for Best Book on International Organization and Multilateralism (2018)
  3. British International Studies Association (BISA) (Founders Fund Award, 2012)
  4. University of Wales, Aberystwyth (Teaching Excellence Award, 2011-2012)
  5. British International Studies Association BISA (Nomination for Teaching Excellence Award, 2012)
  6. Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS Dissertation Award, 2011)
  7. University of Oxford (Master’s Thesis Distinction, 2009)
  8. University of Auckland (Doctoral Completion Award, 2007)
  9. Trento University (Magna cum Laude Degree, or 110 out of 110 cum laude, 1999)
  10. European Union (First place among 121 candidates for Leonardo da Vinci Programme, 1999)
  11. The University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 2010 (Doctoral Scholarship, 2010-2013)
  12. The University of Oxford, New College, UK, 2010 (Admission to DPhil) (Declined)
  13. The University of Oxford, Exeter College, UK, 2008 (Travelling Bursary)
  14. Geneva’s Graduate Institute, Switzerland [Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales] Doctoral Admission to PhD program and Full Doctoral Scholarship (Declined to take Oxford offer)
  15. Australian Government (‘International Doctoral Award, 2004-7) (declined to take Auckland offer)
  16. The University of Sydney, Australia (‘Int’l Doctoral Scholarship’, 2004-7) (declined to take Auckland offer)
  17. The University of Auckland, New Zealand (‘In’t Doctoral Scholarship’, 2004-7) (1 of 5 scholarships)
  18. The University of Canterbury, New Zealand (‘Int’l Doctoral Award, 1 of 8) (declined for Auckland offer)
  19. The University of Trento, Italy, and European Union, Belgium (‘Socrates’ Scholarship, 1998)