All Awards
- Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), Biennial Book Prize for Best Book on the United Nations in the Period 2017-19 (2018);
- Chadwick Alger Prize by International Studies Association (ISA) for Best Book on International Organization and Multilateralism (2018)
- British International Studies Association (BISA) (Founders Fund Award, 2012)
- University of Wales, Aberystwyth (Teaching Excellence Award, 2011-2012)
- British International Studies Association BISA (Nomination for Teaching Excellence Award, 2012)
- Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS Dissertation Award, 2011)
- University of Oxford (Master’s Thesis Distinction, 2009)
- University of Auckland (Doctoral Completion Award, 2007)
- Trento University (Magna cum Laude Degree, or 110 out of 110 cum laude, 1999)
- European Union (First place among 121 candidates for Leonardo da Vinci Programme, 1999)
- The University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, 2010 (Doctoral Scholarship, 2010-2013)
- The University of Oxford, New College, UK, 2010 (Admission to DPhil) (Declined)
- The University of Oxford, Exeter College, UK, 2008 (Travelling Bursary)
- Geneva’s Graduate Institute, Switzerland [Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales] Doctoral Admission to PhD program and Full Doctoral Scholarship (Declined to take Oxford offer)
- Australian Government (‘International Doctoral Award, 2004-7) (declined to take Auckland offer)
- The University of Sydney, Australia (‘Int’l Doctoral Scholarship’, 2004-7) (declined to take Auckland offer)
- The University of Auckland, New Zealand (‘In’t Doctoral Scholarship’, 2004-7) (1 of 5 scholarships)
- The University of Canterbury, New Zealand (‘Int’l Doctoral Award, 1 of 8) (declined for Auckland offer)
- The University of Trento, Italy, and European Union, Belgium (‘Socrates’ Scholarship, 1998)