
Human Rights Committee at ICU

Human Rights Committee at ICU


International Christian University (ICU) maintains a system consisting of a Human Rights Committee and Human Rights Advisers in order to conduct counseling and educational activities with regard to human rights.

Basic Policies for the Prevention of Human Rights Violations

As a university that values the International Declaration on Human Rights, ICU takes, as its responsibility, the securing of a safe campus for its community members to live and work, by providing an educational, research and working environment free from human rights violations. For this reason, discrimination on the basis of gender, race, nationality, origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, etc. and any harassment that takes advantage of one’s position/standing, regardless of the form it takes, are unacceptable. All members of the campus community are expected to fully understand the internationality and the Christian spirit that ICU stands for and work together to create a pleasant campus.

Individuals and Groups Who May Require Advising

Students: Any person who studies at this university, including students of undergraduate and graduate schools, research fellows, credit auditors, and noncredit auditors.

Faculty and Staff: Teachers, administrative staff, part-time lecturers, research fellows, teaching assistants, research institute assistants, laboratory assistants, part-time staff, contract employees and temporary workers dispatched to the university by another organization, and any other person who works at the university.

Human Rights Advisors

Human Rights Advisors work together with those they consult in order to understand the human rights violations they have encountered and sort out the problems. They lend consultees support by ascertaining what they wish to do toward solving the problems and strengthening resolve over the course of action to be taken. Consultees’ wishes are respected throughout the resolution process. Also, they may give referrals to on- and off-campus physicians, counselors, and specialist institutions, as the need arises.

A Campus Free from Human Rights Violations

If you have felt shamed or threatened, try to prevent the harassment from becoming serious by expressing your feelings at an early stage. You feel hesitant to express yourself due to status or positional differences, however, it is better to seek help from the Human Rights Advisors at ICU, or from off-campus professional consulting organizations. Anyone can become a perpetrator. If you have been indicated as a perpetrator, it is crucial to reflect on your behaviors and ideas. Even if you cannot recall why you are blamed as such, it is important to respect the feelings of others and not to assume that she/he should simply tolerate the incident. Beware of secondary damage. Occasionally, a person who lends a hand to target of harassment gives unintentional comments such as “Let it go,” that may hurt rather than help. Spreading rumors after listening to the someone’s confession can also lead to secondary damage. It is important not to spread rumors.